I’ll be honest: I love bedsharing. It gives me the chance to snuggle with my kids, and it makes them feel safe and secure when they go to sleep. But not everyone feels that way. Some parents might worry that bedsharing is unsafe—and they’re right! If don’t incorrectly and in an unsafe environment, it can be dangerous.
However, there are ways to transition out of crib sleeping without losing your sanity in the process. In this post, we'll walk through how you can start easing your baby out of your bed without upsetting either one of you or waking up your toddler multiple times each night.
Select a transition object.
A transition object is something that helps you feel safe and secure, but doesn't serve as a security blanket. For example, if your child uses a blankie to calm down, it's not going to work for this purpose because he or she will still want their blankie after they've transitioned into their own bed.
For younger babies (0-6 months), try using an infant carrier or stroller as your transition object instead of using a "security" item like blankets or pacifiers. This allows them to feel secure while being transported throughout the house and gives them something familiar when sleeping in their own cribs at night time!
Once they get older (6+ months), try using stuffed animals instead of blankets; some parents have found success with giving these stuffed animals names so that they can still use them as transitional objects without actually having any attachment issues later on down the road! Little Bug lovies can be a great transitioning tool for this age. https://www.littlebugstore.com/lovies
Create a bedtime routine.
The first step to transitioning out of bed sharing is to create a bedtime routine. A consistent and regular one will allow you to set the stage for your child's sleep, which will help him or her learn how to fall asleep on their own.
Your routine should include:
A regular time for going to bed each night (and waking up). You may want to start by keeping things as close as possible so that you can assess whether it's working before making changes; however, eventually you'll want this time frame extended until it matches what worked best at naptime during the day.
A clear end point where everyone knows when they should get ready for sleep--this could be taking off pajamas or brushing teeth--and then going right into bed together with no additional activities such as reading stories or watching TV shows together in bed
There is no rush to transition from bedsharing, but it can be done successfully with some planning ahead, and calm persistence
As long as the child is safe and the parent is comfortable, there is no need to feel rushed into making any changes.
The first step in transitioning out of bed sharing is deciding what your goals are for this change. If your goal is simply to move away from having your child sleep next to you at night (whether temporarily or permanently), that's fine! You might want them sleeping in their own room or crib because:
You want more privacy for yourself
Your partner has different needs than you do when it comes to sleeping arrangements--and those differences aren't compatible with co-sleeping
The baby keeps waking up during his/her naps due to noise coming from another room (a television or radio playing loudly)
Introduce a comfort item.
Make sure you are consistent with the comfort item. If your child uses a stuffed animal as their primary form of comfort, for example, make sure that every night they go to sleep with this stuffed animal in their arms or near them on their pillow (or at least nearby). It's important that they understand that this is an integral part of their bedtime routine and will not change simply because they have transitioned into a new sleeping arrangement--this consistency will help reduce anxiety around leaving their old sleeping place behind.
Make sure your child's comfort item is safe: no loose strings or sharp edges! You also want something easy to take with you when traveling so as not to disrupt any travel plans; otherwise it might mean having two different types of items depending on where you're going and who else is involved in those plans (elderly grandparents may not be able to handle an electronic device). And finally...
Don't let them use blankets as security blankets! This will only cause issues down the line when those same blankets become too small for growing bodies but still hold sentimental value due in part by being associated with childhood memories related specifically toward bedtime rituals
Work up to sleeping in their room alone.
Start out by putting your baby in their crib, but leave the door open.
If they fuss or cry, go in and soothe them until they fall asleep.
Repeat this process until they are sleeping soundly throughout the night in their room alone. Your goal is to get to a point where you can close the door while they're still awake and let them cry if they need attention--but not too long!
There are ways to transition out of bed sharing, but it can be difficult and requires a plan.
There are many ways to transition out of bed sharing, but it can be difficult and requires a plan. This process is different for every family, so there's no one right way to do it.
The following steps are meant as general guidelines to help you think about how you want to move forward with the process:
Make sure your child has their own bed, mattress and sheets (or at least their own pillow). You don't need anything fancy; just something that works for them. If possible, set up this new space before introducing any changes into your routine or environment so that they feel more comfortable going there when they're ready for sleep alone after being used to sleeping next to someone else all night long!
Help them find ways that make them feel safe while sleeping alone in their room (or other designated space). This could include having lights on at night so they know where everything is located if needed during an emergency situation; putting glow sticks under pillowcases so light shines through during nighttime hours when natural light sources may not provide enough illumination; placing stuffed animals near doors/windows which allow exits if needed during emergencies.
Bed sharing is a controversial topic, and it's important to remember that there are many different parenting philosophies out there. Some parents choose not to bedshare at all, while others do so because they feel it's the safest option for their children or because they want them close at night. Whatever your decision may be, it's important not to rush into this transition or feel like you have failed if things don't go according to plan--there will always be another night!